Tuesday, June 29, 2010

this weeks words and idioms

This weeks words: easy black, medium blue, difficult red
Nouns (things) Verbs (actions) Adjectives (describing)
doctor want busy
cousin need full
sister take empty
life pray proud
hate wonderful
color well
warble awful
Question: What is a poser ?
This weeks idioms: Hand Idioms 

hand over get out of hand
Hand in
have my hands full
Hand out
know it like the back of my hand
In hand
This weeks proverb: Meaning?

All that glitters is not gold


  1. nouns:

    The doctor cut open my stomach.
    I want to be a doctor.

    I have 20 cousins but I don't know their names.
    The tiger is a cousin of the lion.

    My sister is hairy.
    The sister spanked her students with a steel pipe.

    The driver lost his life when he crashed.
    My life is so boring.

    Thread the needle.
    My shirt is so old half the thread is coming out.

    The well provided water for the village.
    A boy fell down the well.

    Doing mischief is sometimes fun.
    Don't do any mischief at your sister's wedding.

  2. Verbs:

    I want some milk.
    Many people confuse what they want with what they need.

    I need you tonight!
    I'm so tired I need to take a rest.

    Don't take drugs!
    The crazy monk prayed for 3 days without taking food or drink.

    Some people pray to God, but it doesn't work.
    I hate people who pray.

    She loves him, but he hates her.
    The bad kids hate to color their drawings.

    The bird warbles in the morning.
    The old ladys are warbling like birds.

  3. Adjectives:

    I was so busy I had no time for lunch.
    This bar is always so busy and full of customers.

    After I ate 27 pineapples I felt full.
    That man is full of shit.

    My cup is empty, get me more beer!
    I went to pay for my shopping but my wallet was empty.

    he is a proud man.
    The wonderful dancer is so proud.

    Milk is wonderful.
    Yesterday I felt wonderful. This morning I didn't feel well and now I feel awful.

    He can play soccer well.
    The awful man but a cockroach in his friends sandwich.

  4. Idioms:

    Hand over: give me! EG. Hand over your money now.

    hand in: to give something to a teacher or boss. EG. I handed in my homework one day late.

    hand out: To give something out to everyone in the class or office. (opposite of hand in)
    EG> The teacher handed out 100 pages of summer vacation homework.

    in hand: under control. EG. At first the problem was out of control but now I have it in hand.

    Get out of hand: to lose control (opposite of in hand) EG. The gangsters got out of hand and started burning everything on the street.

    have my hands full: to be very busy EG> I have my hands full right now so I can't come home yet.

    Know it like the back of my hand: to know something very well. EG> I know this forest like the back of my hand so I know where the lost campers may be.

    red-handed. To get caught or seen doing something bad. EG> The thief was caught red-handed as he ran out the door with the money and straight into a passing police officer.

  5. A Poser is someone who pretends to be cool where they really are not.

    all that glitters is not always gold:

    Do not be deceived by things or offers that appear to be attractive. Or be careful when choosing something for not always do the good, expensive lookings things turn out to be the best.

    I hope You understand everything now. If not please ask.
