Sunday, June 27, 2010

Bar Lesson

Last night's Bar lesson was a lot of fun.
So thank you to all the students who came.  Everyone did a good
job with the English games and everyone was so suprised with
my fantastic drawings especially Doraimon.

So thank you again and if anyone has photos of the bar lesson,
please post here because my cheap phone has no flash.
Also if anyone has any ideas where they would like to have
the next bar lesson please tell me.

See you in class.



  1. Hi Mr.David, this is Yasutomi. This is the first time to comment your blog. I couldn't come Bar lesson but I will join next time because I really wanna see your fantastic drawings and listen to your amazing Chinese. hehe

  2. Yes,Yes,Your DORAEMON was very funny!! and I had never seen such a amazing DORAEMON. I'm looking forward to next bar lesson.(^o^)v

