Tuesday, November 23, 2010

conversation fill in the missing words.

directions are very difficult in ENglish. I hope this will help you.

Grammar point directions
Go straight.
Go along this road.
Turn left at the intersection.
Turn left before/after the bank.
Take the 3rd turn to the left/right.
Turn right onto highway 88.
turn right at the 3rd traffic light.
Take the _____ exit off the highway.
It's on the left side.

Use these words to fill in the missing spaces.
  But, way, left, driving, lost, soon, creepy,     
   already, better, bought, men, ain't, Sir, woods,
    rocks, same, pretty, miss, ahead, log, turn,
   cowboy, it, chance, directions, word, wanna,
A drive in the country side

Wendy: “So where is this _____ cabin?”
Darren: “It should be _____.”
Wendy:“You said that _____. We've been _____ for hours.”
Darren: “I know but the _____ from the last town said it's the third _____ on the left, after the big rock.”
Wendy: “_____ there are big rocks everywhere!
Darren: “Look there's a farm house up ___, lets stop and ask.”
Wendy: “The house looks _____, I'm going to wait in the car.”
knock, knock.
Hill Billy: “Don't get many visitors up here. What brings you to this neck of the _____?”
Darren: “We are kind of _____so I was wondering if you could give us _____ to Rockdale Falls.”
Hill Billy: “Rockdale Falls you say? Why ya _____go there?”
Darren: “My father _____ a log cabin there.”
Hill Billy: “_____never heard of no log cabin. There's nothing there. You guys _____ go back home.”
Darren “All the _____ sir, We still want to go. Do you know the _____?”
Hill Billy: “Well alright, take this road up the mountain and turn _____ after the big rock.”
Darren: “But there are big _____ everywhere.”
Hill Billy: “The really big rock. You can't_____ it.”
Darren: “thank you very much _____,”
Hill Billy: “Just a _____of advice.”
Darren: “Yes what is_____?”
Hill Billy: I'd keep an eye on that _____ girl you have in your car. There are a lot of lonely _____ in this area and they never get the _____to see such pretty young girls.”

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