Wednesday, October 20, 2010

reading comprehension

  Dear Jimmy,

    I was very surprised to hear that you had gotten so 
  sick. You were always such a healthy young man and were 
excellent at pretty much every sport. It is a cruel world  
 when someone like you gets leukemia. It just isn't fair.
    When I first heard the news through Claire I couldn't
 believe it. I just could never imagine you being sick. I never 
 forget our good times in high school. I always cheered you  
 on in the football games and more often then not you were 
 the MVP. And our memories at summer camp are my 
 fondest. I wish we could have kept in touch more over the
 years but after graduation we went our own ways.
 By the way how is Jen? She must be devastated with
 the news. I'm sure she is supporting you all the way, she was
 always such a strong person. I heard you and her had two
 kids. They must be darlings. I myself have three kids now,
 Josh, Kelly and Sasha. They are great kids but Josh is a
    Sasha is sick in bed today because she has the flu, so
 I  had to take a few days off work to take care of her. It's
 time for her medicine so I must go. I wish you all the luck 
 with the leukemia and I hope the chemotherapy or what ever
 treatment they are giving you works and I pray to God that 
 you will recover.

                Your Good friend,   Betty.

    Questions: 1: Who wrote this letter? ________________ 2. What is the purpose of this letter? ________________________
    3. What happened to Jimmy?_____________________4. Who is Jen?_____________ 5.Who is Claire?____________________
    6. Why did Betty take time off work?___________________________________7. Which of Betty's children is the most difficult?
    to raise?___________8. Why do you say that?_______________________________________________________________
    9.What do you think is the relationship between Jimmy and Betty?______________________________________________

1 comment:

  1. answers:

    2. A get well soon care is to cheer someone up and let them know that you are thinking about them.
    3. He got leukemia
    4. Most likely his wife but it dosn't say if they are married.
    5. A friend or relative who knows both Jimmy and Betty, proberly from school.
    6. to take care of her daughter who has the flu.
    7. Josh
    8. Because he is handfull which means he is a diffifult child to raise because is a naughty boy.
    9. I think they use to be lovers in Highschool. At least in Summercamp.
