Thursday, August 26, 2010

reading comprehension

The final part in the excited bear attack story, who will survive or die?

Bear's Dinner
The sun was almost setting and a beautiful orange sky reflected in the Yellowstone River. In that river five angry bears were about to have an evening snack. Frank would be the main meal and Aran's soft young meat would make a good side dish. Frank pushed his limp son into a small gap in the cliff and turned to fight the bears. He knew he would die but maybe he could protect his son. One younger bear jumped out of the water and grabbed Frank's left arm and pulled Frank
down. Frank's head hit a hard rock and his nose broke spilling blood everywhere. Another bear opened it's mouth and bit into Frank's right upper leg. The biggest bear pushed the other bears aside and bit into
Frank's right arm. All the bears started to pull Frank's body from different directions and he screamed in a red pool.
          At the same time up on top of the cliff the first bear reached Henry and pushed him. Henry fell down crying and pulled his knees to his body like a crying baby. The bear opened it's large wet mouth and started to bite Henry's head. Just as the bear's teeth started to pushed into Henry's skin a bright flash surprised the bear. It hurt the bear's eyes and the bear looked up to see a strange man carry something that flashed again. The man said “Hi pause, yo!” and it flashed again. The flash was so bright it gave the bear an instant headache. The strange man also smelled very strongly of his favorite food, salmon. The bear was angry and happy at the same time so forgetting about Henry, the bear ran at the new man very fast. “Oh my god!” Mr Fuji shouted as the bear jumped at him hugging him very hard. Mr Fuji was standing next to the cliff so as the big grizzly bear gave Mr Fuji and bear-hug they both fell off the cliff and started to fall.
            Screaming in pain Frank's body started to be torn into pieces. Just as Frank was ready to die a big bear and a Japanese man fell down right on top of the the bear family. All six bears, and Mr Fuji fell down like a broken human pyramid. Mr Fuji's large backpack opened and a large lunchbox full of salmon sushi fell open. The bear's went crazy to see the delicious food and all started to fight each other. Frank now bleeding in many places picked up Aran and escaped down the river. “We are safe now my son.” Frank said to Aran as he woke up.
                  “My sushi!” Mr Fuji got very angry and got a gun he had hidden in his other bag and fired. The younger bear was hit in the leg and fell down crying. The mother and father bear panicked to see their son in pain. “Next I will shoot in the head!” Mr Fuji aimed the gun at the bear's head and started to shoot. But suddenly a small stone hit Mr Fuji's head cutting his cheek and he dropped the gun. “Don't shoot the bears!” Henry from on top of the cliff yelled. He had thrown the stone because he was moved by the way the mother bear and father bear worried about it's child. Henry's mum and dad never cared about him so much. All six bears looked at Mr Fuji, then looked at Henry and waved thank you before running away helping the injured bear.
          Later that day a park ranger found the hikers and took them to hospital. In the hospital Frank and Aran slept, Mr Fuji said he was a hero and Henry told the park ranger that there was a bear in the park with a wounded leg and he asked
the ranger to find it and help it.
Questions: 1. What did Frank hope for when he turned to fight the bears?___________________________.
2. Why did the bear stop eating Henry's head?_________________________________.
3.Why did the bear attack Mr Fuji?___________________________ 
4.What saved Frank?__________________
5. Why did Henry stop Mr Fuji shooting the bears?______________________________________

1 comment:

  1. answers can be something like this:

    1. to protect his son.
    2. a bright flash suprised the bear.
    3. he smelled of salmon.
    4. a bear and Mrt Fuji falled from the cliff onto the bears.
    5. He was moved by the father and mothers bear protection of the child bear.
