Wednesday, July 28, 2010

reading comprehension

Flowers are red!

         Timmy was a very observant little boy. He loved to sit in the garden and look at all the different colors of nature. When Timmy got bigger he went to school and for the first time he had an art lesson. The Teacher Mrs Lich Said I want everyone to draw some beautiful flowers like the red ones she had on her desk. Because the flowers were red and the leaves were green all the students got red and green crayons.
            But Timmy got all the different colors and drew many different colored flowers. He also put many colors in the leaves too. Mrs Lich was very angry and asked “What are you doing?
Flowers are red and leaves are green! Why did you use many different colors?”
             Timmy answered “Because I see all the colors of the rainbow in flowers and leaves.”
             “Don't be foolish!” Mrs Lich then ripped up Timmy's drawings and said “Start again!”.
               Timmy then again used many different colors and drew flowers and leaves using all colors of the rainbow. When Mrs Lich looked again she screamed,“I told you flowers are red and leaves are green! Why do you color in such ridiculous ways?”
           Again not understanding Timmy answered “Because I see all the colors of the rainbow in flowers and leaves.”
         Mr Lich was furious and ripped up Timmy's beautiful drawings again and broke all his crayons. Timmy started to cry. The same thing happen a third
time and again Mr Lich ripped up Timmy's colorful drawings. This time she locked Timmy in the storeroom for the rest of the day.
        The next day Mrs Lich asked Timmy “What color are flowers?”
         Timmy answered “I see all colors of the rainbow in flowers.” Mrs Lich then locked Timmy in the storeroom again all day and told him he could not come out until he understood his foolish ways.
         So for about two weeks this continued until Timmy said “Flowers are red and
leaves are green.”
        “Now that's a good boy.” Mrs Lich smiled.
        About three years later Timmy's family moved house and  he went to a new school. In the new school, Mrs Koloski the art teacher said. “Flowers come in all colors of the rainbow so please paint some flowers with all different colors.” All the students used many different colors but Timmy painted red flowers with green leaves.

Questions: 1. What did Timmy like to do?__________________________________.
2. Why was Mrs Lich angry at Timmy?____________________________.
3. Why did Timmy paint colorful flowers____________________________________
4. Why did Timmy paint red flowers and green leaves when Mrs Koloski said to use different colors _______________

1 comment:

  1. Here is an example of the answers.

    1. look at the beautiful colors of nature
    2. She expects all kids to draw red flowers but Timmy draw colorful ones.
    3. Because what he really sees.
    4. he was tramatised for the rest of his life.
