Wednesday, July 14, 2010

reading comprehension

Morning Schedule

At six thirty in the morning, the alarm goes off. Kenny opens his eyes
and slowly pushes the snooze button and goes back to sleep. He does
this another five or six times before getting out of bed. First he washes
his face and hands. Then he brushes his teeth, however the toothpaste
was empty today so he decides to eat some gum later on. Normally he
would take a shower but he pushed the snooze button too many times
today so instead he just combs his hair. Next he puts on his work
clothes, makes his bed and goes to the kitchen to make breakfast.
Kenny is feeling very hungry today so he has, a large glass of cold
orange juice, some warm cereal with milk and sugar, he has several
pancakes with butter and honey. He doesn't eat the toaster but he eats four slices of toast, three eggs sunny side up, twenty five slices of fatty bacon, six chocolate chip muffins, a ice cream covered waffle and half a pizza he found under the table left over from last week's party. After that he drinks a mega-sized cup of coffee and just to be healthy he eats
small fresh carrot. The carrot tasted quite bland so he covers it in mayonnaise. Now he is ready for dessert. At about eight O'clock he is ready to go to work. However just as he was leaving the house it started to rain cats and dogs. Kennyremembered he left his umbrella on the bus yesterday so he decided to chuck a sicky. He then called his boss.

Questions: 1. Why didn't Kenny take a shower?__________________________________________.
2. Is Kenny's breakfast healthy?_______ Why/why not?________________________________________.
3. Why did Kenny call his boss?____________________________ 4. What do you think Kenny said to his boss?

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