Wednesday, July 7, 2010

culture study

Morning and afternoon Tea
Many company s in western countries have small break times.
There is morning tea at about 10:30 or 11:00 and afternoon tea at
about 3:00. In England, Australia and New Zealand these breaks are
called morning tea and afternoon tea. In USA there are just called
coffee breaks because Americans drink coffee more than tea. In the
in the break people will stop working and gather together to drink tea
or coffee. Usually a small snack such has muffins, cakes, biscuits or
potato chips are eaten with the tea. The break last for about 10 to 15
minutes. This is a good chance to small talk and gossip with your
co-workers. It is also a good chance to have a smoke or call your
lover to say how much you miss them. Some people may use this time to go take a pee. However most people wouldrather not waste their break time sitting on the toilet so they will go during working times, especially for a big poo.Most schools have the morning break which is called recess or little lunch. It is a time for students to have a snack andplay in the school ground. Teachers will drink coffee or tea and go to the toilet because teachers are not allowed to leave
the classroom by law. In Australia the break time is often called a smoko , referring to smoking time. The tea breakusually happens in a special dining area and usually work is not discussed. You don't have to take a break but oftenworkers will give you a hard time if you don't so it is best if you do.

Question: Does your company have a coffee break?_________
Question: If yes what do you do in this time?______________________________________________

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