Tuesday, July 13, 2010

and now for this weeks idioms

This weeks idioms: what do they mean?
In the morning
Sleepy head
Bed head
The morning after
Get dressed
Morning, noon and night.
Sleep in
Bed hopping

This weeks proverb: 

Get up on the wrong side of the bed 

And one more question:

what is a morning glory?


  1. In the morning: just morning time. EG. I eat breakfast in the morning.

    Bed head: Is your hairstyle when just waking up. EG. My god! look at her bed head.

    Sleepy head: I person who sleeps too much or is always sleepy. EG. get out of bed you sleepyhead it's after noon.

    The morning after: Usually a tired or hung over morning followed by a happy night. EG. When kayo met the young handsome man she had the best night of her life but the morning after she couldn't walk straight.

    Get dressed: to change my clothes. EG. Hurry Up and get dressed it's time for school.

    Morning, noon and night: all day long. EG. I had so much homework it took me morning, noon and night to finish it.

    sleep in: To stay in bed longer than usual.
    EG. I like to sleep in on Sundays.

    bed hopping: To go from one bed to another to have sex with many different partners.
    EG. Tiger Woods got caught bed hopping with out his golfballs, he was useing different balls.

  2. Get up on the wrong side of the bed means to have a bad day. Often people feel angry or many things go wrong in one day but we don't know why. this time we say we woke up on the wrong side of the bed.
