Wednesday, June 30, 2010

culture study

English breakfast
A tradition English breakfast consists of a lot of fried foods.
Bacon, eggs, sausages, and fried bread with tea or coffee. Sometimes
fried tomato, fried mushrooms, baked beans and black puddings are
eaten. In England many people still eat this type of breakfast but
cereals and oatmeal are becoming more popular. In America most
people eat a simple instant oatmeal or cold cereal with milk. (There
are over 500 different kinds of cereals in American supermarkets).
Leftovers from the previous day's meals may also be eaten, such as
cold pizza. Many workers have only coffee for breakfast which they
drink on the way to work in the car, train or walking on the street. Eggs
are a very important part of breakfast and many people think it strange to eat eggs outside of breakfast. Vegetables are
rarely eaten for breakfast and anything that takes longer to cook then using a fry pan is out of the question. In Australia
breakfast is much like America and England but milk is drunk more. Most westerns have a breakfast that is easy and
quick to prepare because they say that their life style is so busy they don't have any time in the morning. But on
weekends and holidays, bigger special breakfasts are served like pancakes, or double sized sausages and eggs.

Question: What is your favorite food for breakfast?________________
Question: What do you drink for breakfast?___________________


  1. My favorite food for breakfast is cereals especially chocolate flavor. I can't eat a big breakfast so cereal is ok. Recently I've not have a breakfast, just coffee.

    I drink a glass of water and a cup of coffee. I used to drink a glass of milk at mealtime. But I didn't drink 3L of milk a day like you!!

  2. You should try 3L of milk. It will make your bones very strong but it also makes your stomach very big which is a problem. I wish they had Zero milk, like Zero coke.
