Thursday, June 24, 2010

Australian Aborigines

This is a very quick short article about the Aborigines of Australia.
If you want to know more, please ask me. I have had many dealings
with them in my life I can share my experience.

Aborigines of Australia
The natives of Australia are usually called aborigines. Before
English people came to Australia, Aborigines lived in the Australian
lands. They were a nomadic people with no kinds of buildings or towns at all. Just campsites where they would often move depending on food and seasons. They use to hunt kangaroos, snakes, lizards and other animals with boomerangs and spears.
Aborigines enjoyed cave painting and rock carving which we can still see today. They also enjoyed music 
involving the didgeridoo and animal like dancing. However each area had different cultures and up to 
300 different languages were spoken, today most aborigines speak English but they have a few 
aboriginal English words. When white man first came to Australia a lot of Aborigines died from small
pox or were hunted and killed by white people believing them to be dangerous barbarians. 
Many of their kids were forced away from their families and sent to English churches and schools
in the hope to give them a christian education. This didn't work however as their culture and believes
are too different. Aborigines believe that nature and humans are the same and some gods turned 
into mountains, rivers and animals. They also believe a huge rainbow snake created the Earth. Today most Aborigines live in public communities provided by the government. They have poor health and 
education and a lot of them are alcoholics which is an on going social problem in Australia.

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