Wednesday, December 1, 2010

reading comprehension

First day at school

Today was Zoe's first day at school since her very long absence, so she was very nervous. She really didn't want to go but her mother said it would be fine. However she didn't feel very fine. When Zoe arrived at the school all the students looked at her and gasped.  Some students had facial expressions of horror. Some had revolt. And others had looks of pity. Zoe pretended she didn't care, she knew her face was hideous and had received these kinds of looks many times before.  But deep inside her heart she hoped that one day people would look at her as a normal person.
    After saying goodbye to her mother, Zoe found her classroom. The teacher introduced her to the other students who looked at her with stunned disbelief. Zoe used to attend this school a long time ago and she had a lot of friends. But that was before the accident. Now her face was a burnt wreck and no one recognized her. Not even her best friend Paula who she had played with since nursery school, gave any recognition.
    Never the less, Zoe was glad to be back at school. After many long boring, painful months in hospital and many more months recovering at home she was happy to be leading a normal life again. She had not used a pen and paper for a long time, and it was difficult to write with only four fingers. However after a little practice she soon got the hang of it, and was writing just as fast as the rest of the class.
    All morning no one talked to her, They just stared. At lunch time they stared even more because they had never seen someone eat without lips before. After school all the kids went home walking with their friends and whispered to each other about Zoe. She couldn't hear in detail but she heard the words “monster”, “freak”, “mutant” and “disgusting”. Zoe ignored everyone but inside she was very sad. Her mother soon came and picked her up and asked how her day was. Zoe answered the usual “It was fine.” Even her Mum and Dad looked at Zoe with pity. They always said she was beautiful and that she was special, but Zoe knew that they had changed since the terrible fire accident. She knew life would never be the same again.

    She soon arrived home and was greeted by her best friend. The only person in the world who didn't care about her hideous face and deformities: Her best friend, adopted brother and hero. Bobo the chimpanzee gave her a big kiss and ran around the room with her other friend Rover the three legged dog.                                            to be continued

Questions: 1: Why is Zoe nervous? ______________ 2. Why did the children look at her and gasp?______________________
    3. Why didn't she go to school for a long time?_______________ 4. Was she happy to be back at school___Why do you say that?
    __________________ 5. Why did everyone stare at Zoe at lunch time?_________________ 6. -What happened to Zoe's face?
    __________________________ 7. Who is Zoe's best friend?___________ Why?______________________________
    8..What do these words mean/ Never the less ____________________ get the hang of it _______________________

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