Friday, November 12, 2010

scarey neigbors

2 mornings ago the man living under my house and Mimi's School, Very rudely asked us to leave. We think it's because the kids are too noisy. The next day at night My lovely sons Louie and Ricky were not noisy at all but the man living on the first floor banged the walls many times for a long time. My wife is now very scared and couldn't shower the kids because she worried it would make too much noice and the man would get angry again.  So without a shower the kids went to bed.     
What should we do? Have you have this kind of experience before?


  1. First I'd talk to real estate guy you dealt with, I think you paid key money and deposit to them, They have to do something for you about this, Some people talk to their landlord first but I don't recommend that. Most landlords are not paid for this thing actually. I've never experienced this thing yet though,
    Good luck!

  2. Good evening, David!
    Externals of the house are seen for the family.
    The family lives, there are children, and it is annoying.
    I think that it is an event in assumption.
    Neighbors think and even landlord's relative thinks that is shoud consult the person who is managing the house.
    We are guests.
    It is a landlord that embarrasses because it is evacuated.
    The landlord should bear all the moving expense the former rents of the new house, and penalties etc. of the parking lot when evacuating it.
    Rent in arrears,
    It is necessary to evacuate it when there is a trouble act of annoyingness etc. early morning at midnight.
    I know the man who very well informed about this story.
    If it is good, shall I introduce the man?


  3. Thank you for the advice. At the moment the neighbor has been quiet but if it happens again I will ask for help again.
