Tuesday, November 16, 2010

reading comprehension

Bobo in the city

Bobo once lived in the jungle with his twin sister Fifi but he was separated from her and got captured by loggers when he escaped from rival chimpanzees. Now he lives in the San Francisco City zoo. At first he hated living there as his freedom was limited to the cage walls and all the other chimps would tease him and bully him because he was the newcomer.
    Every morning many strange looking hairless monkeys (he later learned they are humans) would gather around his cage and stare at him. The humans were very strange and wore colorful things on their body and carried flashing things. The other chimpanzees seemed to like the humans and would often dance and roll around, showing off to the humans. But sometimes the chimps would be in a bad mood and throw their dung at the humans. This made the humans very angry but all the chimps would laugh and dance for joy. Bobo thought this was funny too.
    After about a month in the zoo still no one would talk to him. Bobo was so lonely. He decided to escape from the zoo to look for his sister Fifi. After many days of waiting, Bobo's chance came. Every evening after all the humans went home a zoo keeper would enter the cage to clean it. Bobo had wiped poo poo all over the inside of the cage door and when the zoo keeper went to close the door he got poo on his hand. “yuck!” The zoo keeper said as he looked for a rag. At this time Bobo jumped through the opened door and ran away. He climbed the fence of the elephant cage, climbed on the elephants back and jumped over the zoo's outer fence and into a strange new world.
    There were many tall square buildings and strange things with shining eyes rolled on circle legs along black roads. There were humans everywhere. A girl looked a Bobo and screamed “A monkey!”. It surprised Bobo so he ran down the road as the shining eye monsters “beeped!” at him as they avoided him. In panic, Bobo just ran until he found a small park with some trees. He climbed one of the trees and hid himself in a tree hole. “Where am I?” Bobo thought.     
         To be continued

1: Where is Bobo? ________________ 
2. Why doesn't Bobo like the zoo?______________________________
 3. Why don't the other chimps like Bobo?__________________
_4. Why do chimps throw poo poo?_______________________
5. How did Bobo escape from the cage?_______________________________________________________
6. What is the flashing thing that humans carry?___________ 
7.What is a shining eye monster?___________________________

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