Thursday, November 11, 2010

reading comprehension

Bobo The Chimp

    Bobo was born in the Congo jungle with his twin sister Fifi. He remembered riding on his mother's back with his sister in the high jungle trees. Once he fell from the trees into a river and he was almost attacked by a large python but his father who was the biggest strongest chimpanzee. When he was about one years old, him and his sister were able to swing on vines from tree to tree. Life was so wonderful and peaceful, Bobo couldn't imagine a better life.
    However when Bobo was about two years old his tribe was attacked by a rival chimpanzee tribe from another part of the jungle. Dozens of male chimps suddenly appeared and started punching and biting all of Bobo's family. Bobo saw his aunt and cousin get thrown from a high tree. Bobo's father was very strong but he was beaten by six other chimps of like size. His father's neck was soon broken. Bobo's mother grabbed him and his sister Fifi and escaped into another tree. The attackers however soon followed. “Just run my children!” the mother screamed. “Save your sister!” This last command was for Bobo. Bobo grabbed Fifi's hand and jumped to the jungle floor and ran as fast as he could. Up in the tree he could hear his mother's screams of pain. Bobo and Fifi kept on running and running until they were both exhausted and collapsed.
    A few hours later he woke up to a terrible cracking and rumbling sound. The ground was shaking and a huge tree was falling towards him and his sleeping sister. With no time to spare he kicked his sister awake and pushed her just as the tree fell between him and Fifi. A branch hit him and sent him flying into a big yellow monster. He looked around and saw several yellow monster all pushing over beautiful trees and destroying the jungle. Behind the yellow monsters the jungle had disappeared. “It's the end of the world.” Bobo thought as something grabbed him from behind and covered him in darkness. The next part of Bobo's life is very unclear but he does remember being put in a box and stabbed with a sharp stick that send him into a deep sleep. He woke up later in a cage with other unknown chimpanzees but he could not see he sister.  To be continued.

Questions: 1: What was Bobo's best memory? ________________ 2. what attacked Bobo and his family? __________________
    3. Why did they attack?______________________________4. How did Bobo and Fifi escape?____________________________
    5. What do you think was the big yellow monster?__________________________ 6. How did Bobo lose his sister? __________
    7. Where is Bobo now?___________________________________

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