Monday, November 15, 2010

conversation fill in the missing words.

Grammar point explaining amounts
It's too _____a____
It's not ___a_____ enough.
There are too many ___n____s
There is too much ____n____
There are not enough ___n____s
There isn't enough ____n_____
E.G. There are too many people in Tokyo.
There is too much noise in my neighborhood.
There are not enough shops in this city.
There isn't enough time in one day.

 Now use these words to fill in the following conversation
Where, poor, from, green, walk, new, too, too,    kind, aren't, many, many, many, many, much,       much, city, last, think, enough, back, there,          opportunities, subway, taxi, cold, how, money

The new comer

Bart: “I've never seen you before are you _____ here?”
Elroy: “Yes I just moved here _____ month.”
Bart: “ _____ are you from?”
Elroy:“I'm _____ Alabama.”
Bart: “So what's Alabama like?”
Elroy: “It's very quiet and peaceful but there aren't _____ jobs in Alabama so I moved here.
Bart: “So what do you _____ of New York?”
Elroy: “Well I think there are ___ many buildings and there
is not enough _____ .”
Bart: “Well this is a big _____ . The shopping is great right?”
Elroy: “There are plenty of shops but there are too ____ brand
shops. Everything is _____ expensive.”
Bart: “But this is New York. If you don't look good _____ are not enough _____ to make friends and business.”
Elroy: “Yeah but I don't have enough _____ to buy new clothes. I just got a new job and it takes too ____ time to travel to work.”
Bart “Why don't you use the _____ ?”
Elroy: “It's too dangerous. And there _____ enough seats.”
Bart: “So do you take a _____ ?”
Elroy: “No way. Taxi's are too expensive and There are no
_____ taxi drivers.”
Bart: “So _____ to you get to work?”
Elroy : “I take the bus half the way and _____ the other half.”
Bart: “Are you crazy? There are too _____ poor people in
in the bus. And it's too _____ to walk in winter.”
Elroy: “But I'm _____ too. And I don't mind walking. I walk
though central park. It's the only green place in this city, But
I see too _____ pollution and too ______ drugs in the park.”
Bart: “If you don't like New York , Go _____ to Alabama!”

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