Tuesday, October 26, 2010

reading comprehension

A ghost Story

Mr and Mrs Jones once went on holiday in Transylvania. They stayed in a big dark house where rumor had it a man killed his young beautiful mistress in the shower and then did horrible things to her body after wards. The Jones didn't care about he rumors and had a lovely day relaxing and picnicking in the nearby woods.
    At night however things changed. Mr Jones was very tired so he went to bed early. Mrs Jones now with nothing to do decided to take a shower. On the way to the shower room she heard a low moaning sound in the roof. The house was old so she presumed it was just wind.
    When she entered the bath room and took off her clothes she thought she saw a shadow move in the mirror. But when she turned around, nothing was there. Thinking she was just tired she forgot about it and got in the shower. The water was nice and warm. When she was washing her hair, the bathroom door suddenly opened and the lights flickered for a moment. The air got a little chilly too. A little frightened she called her husband's name but there was no answer. She was a little scared but she had to rinse out her shampoo. She closed her eyes and put her head under the shower. The water felt different and when she  opened her eyes she saw red. The water had turned to warm blood and it was sticky and her hair got stuck all over her face and metallic blood oozed into her eyes, ears and mouth.
    She screamed and ran back to the bedroom. As she was running skeletal hands reached out from the floor to scratch her legs. She entered the bedroom and when she saw her husband she screamed again. A ghost of a beautiful young girl was sitting on the bed. Mr Jones's stomach had been opened. His intestines and lower body organs spread out all over the bed and floor. The ghost was slowly pulling them out and with a crazy smile rubbed her tongue along the vowels and squeezed the body parts in her hands as fresh blood dripped all down her body.  Mrs Jones fainted. She later woke up in an empty house and all signs of the ghost, the blood and her husband were gone. Her husband was never seen again.

1: Where did they stay? ________________
2. Why did Mrs Jones take a shower? _________________
3. Why didn't Mrs Jones care about the moan?___________________
4. And the shadow in the mirror?_________________
 5. What made her scared?__________________________ 
6. What happened to Mr Jones?_____________________________
7. Who is the ghost___________________
8. Why did the ghost do such horrible things?__________________________________
9. WHat do you think happened to Mr Jones?________________________________

1 comment:

  1. answers may be something like this?:

    1: Where did they stay? ___a big dark house_____________

    2. Why did Mrs Jones take a shower? ___She had nothing else to do______________

    3. Why didn't Mrs Jones care about the moan?____She thought it was the wind_______________

    4. And the shadow in the mirror?____She thought she was just tired____________

    5. What made her scared?_the door opening, and the lights flickering_________

    6. What happened to Mr Jones?___His stomach was opened by a ghost

    7. Who is the ghost____The murdered mistress of long ago.

    8. Why did the ghost do such horrible things?_Revenge on all men

    9. WHat do you think happened to Mr Jones?_____Body eated by ghost/
