Tuesday, October 26, 2010


Hi I forgot to take out the words for the blank spaces so just read it.

Conversation: costumes.(7)

Sarah: “What are you gonna wear for Halloween”
Jessica: “Not sure yet.”
Sarah: “You better hurry up. It's only a few days away.”
Jessica: “I know, but I can't decide between between a witch and a princess.”
Sarah: “Well a witch suits you the most I think”
Jessica: “Why do you say that?”
Sarah: “The big mole on your neck looks like a witch.”
Jessica: “Yeah maybe your right. I have decided I'm going to
wear a witch costume. What about you?”
Sarah: “I'm gonna be the little mermaid.”
Jessica: “.... Really? That should be very … nice.”
Sarah: “Yeah! I'll be so cute. I can't wait for Halloween.”
Jessica: “Yeah me too, I'm gonna get so many treats.”
Sarah: “Me too. I'm gonna eat so many chocolates, lolly pops, gummy babies, cookies, chips and I          hope I get some all-day-suckers or gobstoppers, you know.”
Jessica: “I know what you mean. I got a big purple gobstopper last year. It took four days to eat it.”
Sarah: “Where are you gonna go Trick or treating? Will you go to West street?”
Jessica: “I was thinking of going to East street.”
Sarah: “Why? My mother said all the people in East street are
Jessica: “What's a snob?”
Sarah: “I don't know. But Mum said they are people who don't
like to share so they won't give out any treats.”
Jessica: “In that case I'll put a dead mouse in their mailbox and
I'll wipe snot on their door knobs.”
Mr Fuji: “That's gross!”
Jessica: “I've been saving my snot all year for this and have kept
many dead mice in the freezer.
Sarah : “You really are a witch.”
Grammar point
Future plans
I am going to _v__________
I'm gonna __v_____.
I will / I'll__v___.
I am not going to___v_____
I'm not gonna __v_____
I will not/ I won't___v__
I'm gonna be __n,a____
I'll be __n,a____
E.G. Sarah is going to wear a mermaid costume. She's gonna be
very cute. Jessica isn't gonna wear a princess costume,
she'll be a witch.

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