Thursday, September 2, 2010

reading comprehension

The Teddy Bear.

When Ben was about three years old his grandmother gave him a toy teddy bear. Ben loved his grandmother very much because she would always spoil him with chocolates and tell him very exciting stories. She told Ben that this teddy bear
had escaped from his home planet of Stuffrock and the bear had the power to give someone forever happiness. But to give that power the teddy bear would have to return to it's home planet. Ben didn't really understand the story but never-the-less he was happy to get it.
           Soon after his grandmother died of cancer and Ben was very sad for a long time. Only by holding the teddy bear very tightly could he think of his grandmother and be happy again. At first this was good, but by the time he was five years old the teddy bear was very dirty and smelled very bad. Ben's mother wanted to wash the bear but Ben would scream and cry if she tried to take it so she gave up.
            By age six Ben had to start school and he took the teddy bear with him. The other children laughed at him and the teacher told him to put the bear into his bag. This made Ben scream very loud and kick all the chairs and tables in the room. So the teacher gave up and let him hold the bear all day. The other children teased him and called him a big baby but Ben didn't care because he had his teddy bear.
              By fourth grade Ben still insisted on taking the bear to school. He had no friends and his parents really worried about him. His father decided to throw away the teddy bear so early one morning he took the bear and threw it away into the trash. Ben woke up to see the bear drop into the back of the garbage truck and drive down the street. “NO!” he cried and ran down the street in his pajamas. The truck driver was very surprised and stopped. Ben was able to convince the garage guys to get his bear. So Ben walked back to his house with a broken, dirty, stinky teddy bear. His parents just shook their heads.
              By college Ben still had no friends and he still carried the teddy bear everywhere. By this time the bear was covered in bandages. One day when Ben was having lunch he realized he had forgotten his teddy bear in the classroom. In extreme panic Ben ran back to the room but couldn't find it. However in the room was a very beautiful lady. It was love at first sight. Ben introduced himself to her three years later they got married. He was never able to find the teddy
bear that day. But he did not care because he had found forever happiness.

Questions: 1. Why did Ben like his grandmother?____________________________________________.
2. Why was the teddy bear never washed?____________________________________________.
3.What happened at Ben's first day at school?____________________________________________
4.What did Ben's father do early one morning?__________________________________________
5. Why did Ben no care when he couldn't find the bear?______________________________________________
6. Where do you think the bear went?_____________________________________________________

1 comment:

  1. answers may be something like this:

    1. Because she always spoiled him with chocolate and exiciting stories.
    2. Because he would scream and cry
    3. The other kids laughed at him and the teacher told him to put the teddybear in his bag but Ben made a big problem.
    4. He tried to throw the bear away into the trash.
    5. He had fallen in love.
    6. it went back to its home planet
