Monday, August 16, 2010

this weeks idioms

This weeks idioms: holiday Idioms.
On holiday / on vacation
Guilt trip
Take a trip / take a vacation
Trip over
Power trip
Trip up someone
Ego trip
Trip down memory lane

What do they mean? 
Please write some sentances useing these idioms.
Best or most sentances can win something.
Deadline:  Thursday midnight.


  1. Hirochika is on holiday so we can't have contact with him.
    Hirochika takes a trip in spite of having a lot of assignments. :P
    Nobody likes him because he's always on a power trip.
    Her idea is the biggest ego trip.
    It's not your fault. Nobody lays a trip on you.
    I tripped over and hurt my knee.
    Don't trip me up!!!Get off my back!!!
    This music takes me a trip down memory lane the days of my youth.

  2. After thinking for many hours I really had trouble decided who the winner is. But After much thought and comparisons I have decided the winner is:


  3. By the way I will correct your mistakes.

    Hirochika is on holiday so we can't contact him.
    Hirochika takes a trip in spite of having a lot of assignments. :P
    Nobody likes him because he's always on a power trip.
    Her idea is the biggest ego trip.
    It's not your fault. Nobody laid the guilt trip on you.
    I tripped over and hurt my knee.
    Don't trip me up!!!Get off my back!!!
    This music takes me pn a trip down memory lane to the days of my youth.

  4. The idioms meanings are

    On holiday / on vacation : not working/day off

    Guilt trip : feeling very guilty about doing something wrong.

    Take a trip / take a vacation : travel somewhere

    Trip over : to fall over something.

    Power trip : Boss or high rank person using their power too much.

    Trip up someone : To make someone make a mistake.

    Ego trip : To experience something that makes your ego very high for a while.

    Trip down memory lane : think of good memories. Sometimes bad memories.
