Tuesday, August 3, 2010

reading comprehension

Please read this story about a family who goes camping in Yellowstone National Park. This park is very famous park in USA known for it's beautiful nature and rare wildlife. But campers must be careful of the grizzly bears that live in the park.


Frank loves to go camping. He usually goes camping at Crystal Lake but last year something terrible happened at Crystal Lake Camping Grounds so this year Frank went to Yellowstone National Park with his son Aran and his friend Henry. Frank drove the camping car for four hours through the mountain roads and hiked for another four hours before setting up the tent at the Yellowstone river camp site. Henry had never gone camping before so Aran had to teach him how to set up the tent and make a campfire.
           That night Frank cooked sausages and steaks on the campfire. Henry's piece of steak was very tough and had a lot of fat so he secretly threw it away in some bushes. After dinner they roasted marshmallows over the fire and Frank told the boys many camping
and hiking stories. Frank said that last year some campers were attacked and ripped apart by a big grizzly bear because they left their BBQ leftovers out in the open. Henry remembered the steak he hid in the bushes and he started to worry. After everyone went to bed Henry quietly got out of the tent and got the steak before any bears came. He went back to the tent with the piece of meat in hand when Aran woke up and said “What are you doing?”. Surprised Henry hid the meat behind his back and said “I took a leak.” Back in the tent he hid the steak in a plastic bag and went back to sleep.
                      The next day Frank took the two boys for a long hike up the mountain. They saw many tall pine trees and some mountain goats and deer on the high rocky cliffs. Aran said he saw a mountain lion but no one believed him. Later that day they hiked along the Yellowstone River canyon and saw some majestic waterfalls. At the end of the day they saw the eruption of one of the famous geysers in the area. Old faithful geyser squirted boiling water 40 meters into the air.
                 On the way back to the campsite A huge grizzly bear crossed the hiking path a few hundred meters in front of them. Frank said “Don't move! We have no meat so the bear should soon walk away.” Just then Henry saw the plastic bag where he had hid the meat in Frank's backpack. The bag was also opened a little. The bear smelled the air and turned it's head towards the three hikers with a very hungry look on it's face. …... To be continued.

Questions: 1. Where did they go camping?__________________________________.
2. Why did Henry discard his steak?___________________. 3. Why did he get it again?_______________________
4. What is a geyser?_____________________. 5. What are another words for majestic?_______ ______ ______
6. What do you think will happen next?_________________________________________________________

1 comment:

  1. answers can be something like this:

    1. Yellowstone national park
    2. the steak was too tough and had too much fat
    3. he was affraid a bear might come.
    4. a geyser is an active hot water spring that shoots out hot water from volcanic activity deep below the ground.
    5. wonderful, amazing, astonishing, striking, surprising, brilliant, stunning, impressive, overwhelming, staggering, sensational, bewildering, breathtaking, astounding, eye-opening, wondrous

    6. wait and see
