Sunday, August 22, 2010


1. What is a thong?

2. What is a mussel?

3. What is a beach bum?

4. Proverb: what does this mean?
There are plenty of more fish in the ocean.

5. What are these?

6. What are these?
7. What is this?
 If you can tell me the correct answers to all of theses questions, you get a 500yen discount for next month's fee.


  1. 1.Thong(clothing), a garment which primarity covers only the pubic area.

    2.a type of small sea animal(a mollusc) living inside a black shell made of 2 parts, whose soft body can be eaten as food.

    3.Beach bum is a term used to denote a subculture, the characteristics of which often include aspects of but do not necessarily extend to the surfer, the stoner or hippie subcultures.

    4.There are many more potential opportunities available.(Said in consolation after rejection or other failure.)

    5.Shark egg

    6.Cuttlefish bone

    7.Sea urchin, sanddollars


  2. Excuse me…I was mistake!!!
    5.Cuttlefish bone

    6.Sea urchin, sanddollars

    7.Shark egg


  3. Great Job Minako! All is correct and for number 7. the shark egg is sometimes called a mermaid's purse.
