Thursday, July 22, 2010

reading comprehension


Debbie is a working woman so she doesn't have much time for
housekeeping. Her husband George is a kind man so he does his best to help around the house. Unfortunately George's best is not very good as far as Debbie thinks. George tries to help with the laundry but he doesn't separate the colors and most of the white clothes become dark..   He is also very bad at folding the clothes and mixes up his socks and underpants with Debbie's and the kids. George washes the dishes, but he often breaks them. George once tried to sweep the floor but he just swept all the dust and trash under the bed, sofa and other furniture.
Another time he tried mopping the floor but he mopped the carpet by mistake. George always wants to help Debbie but he usually just makes her angry so they decided it is best that she do the cleaning and laundry. But George still wanted to help so he promised he would do all the cooking. For about two weeks Debbie was very happy but she got tired of eating microwave meals and instant noodles everyday. She requested a nice steak dinner one day but George burnt down half the kitchen. So now George no longer cooks. George was very upset with himself he really wanted to help his wife because he loved her so much. So one day he decided to scrub the bathroom clean. He smothered the room with heavy duty bleach and started scrubbing. The problem was he closed all the doors and windows and the fumes from the bleach made him faint. He fell face first into the bucket of bleach and lay on the bathroom floor unconscious until Debbie came home and found him there. He was sent to hospital and is now handicapped because the bleach gave him brain damage. So now Debbie has to do all the housework and take care of George twenty four hours a day.
Questions: 1. Why does George want to help with the Housework?__________.
    2. what can George do well?______________________.3. What does George do badly?______________________________________________________________________
    4. Does Debbie appreciate George's help ___________please explain________________________
    5. Why did George go to hospital? _________________6. What would you do if you were Debbie?_ _ _____________________________________________________________ ________
    Questions for Blog only
     What housework do you hate the most? 
    If you could never do housework again but could never eat your favorite food again, would you do it?

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