Monday, June 21, 2010

this weeks words

This weeks words: easy black, medium blue, difficult red
Nouns (things) Verbs (actions) Adjectives (describing)
chair live sweet
spring fix bitter
rock pick sour
bubble die safe
mean mean
hurry naughty
refuse unremarkable

What is a grumble bum?

This weeks idioms: Face Idioms 

two-faced Keep an eye out for …..
Have an ear for ….. stick your nose in
Have an eye for ….. tongue-tied
Keep your ears to the ground a frog in my throat
This weeks proverb: Meaning?

Barking dogs seldom bite.


  1. nouns e.g

    sit in the chair.

    I hit my mother with a chair.

    Flowers bloom in spring.

    I drank from the spring.

    I threw a rock at the window.

    You can't eat rocks.

    The girl is blowing bubbles in the park.

    There are air bubbles in the water.

    The bully put dirt in my lunch box.

    The school bully is really a weak piece of shit.

    Frogs are singing in the pond.

    Don't swim in the pond.

    I wrote a reminder and stuck it on my desk.

    The rain was a reminder that I forgot to bring in the washing.

  2. Verbs e.g.

    I live in Ginowan.

    Live life hard!

    I couldn't fix my car.

    The computer is broken, please fix it.

    Pick up your pens.

    Don't pick your nose.

    The dog died.

    My grandmother fell down the stairs, smashed her head threw a window and got hit my a bus but she didn't die.

    I didn't mean to hurt you.

    What do you mean?

    Hurry up! we will be late.

    I hurried to work.

    I refuse to go to bed with you.

    The fat girl tried to diet but she couldn't refuse the chocolate cake.

  3. adjectives e.g.

    The cake is sweet.

    I don't like bitter chocolate.

    Lemons are sour.

    It was a bitter sweet victory.

    The teacher has a sour face.

    This city is safe.

    She is a safe driver.

    The mean boy kicked his sister's icecream onto the street.

    Men with moustaches are mean.

    The naughty boy put a frog down the girl's pants.

    Let's go to my house and get naughty!

  4. Idioms:

    two-faced. A person that seems kind but is actually mean.

    Have an ear for.... Good at recognizing talent or certain sounds by listening.

    Have an eye for.... Godd at recognizing talent or certain things by looking.

    Keep your ears on the ground. Listen carefully for something coming or some new piece of information.

    Keep an eye on .... Look carefully for something or someone.

    Stick your nose in..... To look or listen or join in something you are not welcome to.

    tongue-tied unable to talk clearly because of nervousness.

    A frog in my throat. To have an itchy or uncomftable feeling in the troat and you have to say umhumm many times to clear your throat.

  5. A grumble bum is someone who complains and grumbles all the time.

    Barking dogs seldom bite.

    People who threaten and scream a lot don't carry out their threats.
