Wednesday, June 16, 2010

culture study

In USA and Canada the prom, short for promenade, is a formal
dance party. It is usually held near the end of junior and/or
senior year. It is a very important event for high school students.
high school students. There is a Junior Prom and a Senior Prom.
Expectations is very high for this event as students will rent very
expensive dresses and tuxedos. Before the prom a boy must ask a
girl as his date. This can be very stressful because Competition
is very high and not getting a date is a great embarrassment.
It is tradition for the girls to gather at the hair salon
together get there hair styled. The boy goes to the girls house and
photos are taken before leave in rented limousines. At the prom a
prom queen and king will be announced, voted by all the
students. Again competition is very high as handsome popular
guys and beautiful girls do their best and baddest to win.
After the party, the real party begins. Usually some
rich student with a big house holds the informal party. At this
party there are no teachers and parents so the students can do
what they like. A lot of drinking and sex take place. It is
often a very important time for many people to lose there virginity.

To understand how important Prom night is please see the movie
Bart's got a room.

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