Thursday, June 3, 2010

conversation tips of the week

if you don't understand something please ask in the comments

asking for something
shopping/ restaurant/ bar etc
may I have a coke please? 
can I have some chicken? 
I would like a glass of wine. 
please give me the pasta. 
A beer please.
orange juice thank you/ thanks.
I'll have a cheeseburger thanks.
I'll take this one.
I would like to buy this dress.
I think I'll buy this.

At the dinner table
pass me the salt please.
could you hand me the sauce.
May I have some more.
I would like seconds.
If you would be so kind to bring me a new spoon.
Give me the water!
Salad please.

Giving time
Here you are
There you are 
Here you go 
There you go
eat up!
get this in  to ya!
dig in!  

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