Thursday, August 12, 2010

reading comprehension

Last week the happy campers Frank, Aran and Henry were in a difficult situation. Please read and see what happens next.

Adventure in the national park.
When three hikers in the Yellowstone National Park saw the big hungry grizzly bear running towards them, their first instincts were panic. Frank and his son Aran just ran away as fast as they could. But Aran's friend Henry just stood still in shock. The bear came closer to Henry but Henry still didn't move. Frank and Aran looked back and screamed “Henry run!” But Henry still did not move. The bear came very close now and drool dripped from it's mouth. Henry tried to yell but he couldn't move his mouth. The Bear soon reached Henry's position and ran straight past. The Bear didn't noticed Henry because it could smell the meat from Frank's bag and Frank was running away. Henry
now safe sat down and vomited all over his shoes.
            Frank was relieved to see Henry safe but the bear was now running at him. “Quick to the canyon!” Frank told Aran. The two then ran down a hill and jumped over some bushes. Aran fell over and got his leg stuck in a bush branch.Help!” Aran cried. Frank saw the bear running down the hill growling with mouth wide open showing it's long sharp teeth. Frank pulled Aran's leg but it was stuck too tight. The bear was getting closer with each step. “Hurry!” Aran panicked. Frank pulled harder but still Aran's leg didn't come out. “Ouch!” cried Aran. The big bear reached the bushes and lifted up it's front legs into a standing position. In terror Frank and Aran looked up to see the bear come crashing down onto them. Suddenly the bush branch snapped and both man and boy rolled away down the hill just as the bear crushed the bush.
          The bear roared to see the people roll down the hill with the delicious smelling meat. Soon the bear started to chase them again. Frank now carrying an injured Aran came to the canyon. “We must jump!” Frank said. “I'm scared Dad.” Aran cried. The angry bear soon reached them so Frank and Aran jumped down the twenty meter high cliff into the river water below. The impact really hurt but they were able to swim out of the river onto the riverbank. Aran saw the bear on the cliff shaking it's head in frustration. “Now we are safe.” Frank said. “That was a close one.” Both father and son stood up and turned around to see a whole family of grizzly bears staring at them. All the bears looked mean and very hungry. ….                             .. To be continued.
Questions: 1. What did the three hikers do when the bear came?__________________________________.
 2. Why didn't the bear attack Henry?___________________. 
3.How did Frank and Aran escape from the bear?_______________________ 
4. What sounds did the bear make?_____________________.
5. Why did Henry vomit ____________________ 
6.What will happen next?___________________________________________

1 comment:

  1. answers may be something like this:
    1, Frank and Aran ran away, but Henry stood still in shock.

    2. The bear didn't notice Henry because he didn't move and the bear wanted the meat from Frank's bag.

    3. They jumped down a cliff into a river.

    4. Growl and Roar / Growl is a deep hungry sound animals make and roar is an angry sound.

    5. He spewed in fear

    6. Wait and see.
