Tuesday, August 31, 2010


1. match the words from the left to the right.

robotic                area
puzzling              spoon
marble               Car
Built up              Problem
blocked              Nose
mini                   table
plastic               Statue
wooden              Worker

What is a Tangram?
What is a pinwheel?
What is a jack in the box?
5. What does this proverb mean?

It's not my first time around the block. / She's been around the block.

6. .what are their names?

1 comment:

  1. If you want to know the answers are
    1.robotic worker, puzzling problem,
    marble statue, built up area, blocked nose,
    mini car, plastic spoon, wooden table.

    2. 3. 4. see other post
    5. this proverb means that I am experienced .
    6. Barbie, Lego man, Furbie
