Monday, August 2, 2010

conversation fill in the missing words.

Useing these words,

Why, Every, kiss, crawling, summer, let's, with, bad, Where, always, love, but, you, yes, kitchen, drinks, great, doesn't, hang, asshole.

Please till out the missing words in this conversation between Henry and Aran about their summer vacation plans.

Conversation: Summer Plans

Henry: “What are you going to do this _______?”
Aran: “_______ summer I always go camping with my Dad.”
Henry: “Cool! _______ are you going to go?”
Aran: “Usually we go to Crystal Lake _______ this year we are going to Yellowstone Park.”
Henry: “Sounds _______. Wish I could go.”
Aran: “Why? What are _______going to do this summer?”
Henry: “Nothing, just _______ around the shopping mall.”
Aran: “But you _______ do that. Why don't you and your family go somewhere?”
Henry: “Because Dad _______ like traveling, he loves going to the Casino and
Mum just _______tequila all day until she passes out in the _______.”
Aran: “That's too _______. Say, why don't you come camping with me?”
Henry: “I'd _______ to, but my Dad will say no.”
Aran: “_______?”
Henry: “Because my Dad always says no. He's such an _______.”
Aran: “So ask your Mum. Look there she is _______ in the dirt in the garden.”
Henry: “OK I'll try. Mum can I go camping _______ Aran?”
Henry's Mum: “What? Where's my Tequila? Give my a _______ honey.”
Aran: “Yuk!”
Henry's Mum: “Tequila!”
Aran : “Sounds like a _______ to me.”
Henry: “OK _______go camping!”

Questions:  What are Aran's summer plans?
            What are Henry's plans?
            Why doesn't Henry's family go anywhere?
            How does Aran convince Henry to go with camping with him?


  1. I think our conversation homework and reading sections have changed drastically lately. but it's good for us studying bad word or true English to communicate native speakers. haha

  2. Conversation: Summer Plans

    Henry: “What are you going to do this __summer_____?”
    Aran: “__every_____ summer I always go camping with my Dad.”
    Henry: “Cool! __where____ are you going to go?”
    Aran: “Usually we go to Crystal Lake __but_____ this year we are going to Yellowstone Park.”
    Henry: “Sounds __great_____. Wish I could go.”
    Aran: “Why? What are __you_____going to do this summer?”
    Henry: “Nothing, just __hang_____ around the shopping mall.”
    Aran: “But you __always_____ do that. Why don't you and your family go somewhere?”
    Henry: “Because Dad _doesn't______ like traveling, he loves going to the Casino and
    Mum just __drinks_____tequila all day until she passes out in the __kitchen_____.”
    Aran: “That's too __bad_____. Say, why don't you come camping with me?”
    Henry: “I'd _love______ to, but my Dad will say no.”
    Aran: “_why______?”
    Henry: “Because my Dad always says no. He's such an __asshole_____.”
    Aran: “So ask your Mum. Look there she is __crawling_____ in the dirt in the garden.”
    Henry: “OK I'll try. Mum can I go camping __with_____ Aran?”
    Henry's Mum: “What? Where's my Tequila? Give my a _kiss______ honey.”
    Aran: “Yuk!”
    Henry's Mum: “Tequila!”
    Aran : “Sounds like a __yes_____ to me.”
    Henry: “OK _let's______go camping!”
